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Adieu to Heaven

Why must I leave? 
If this place I'm going to is as nice as you say. I'm already there.
But I know, everything will be okay. 
I remember the days when the rumbling of the skies made the ground shake. Still, everything was okay because you'd tell me so. And you sang to me as I snuggled into your lap.
I'll remember the memory of a sunset golden, glittering in the moist grass as my paws chase a lone blue butterfly. By my side, your comforting voice of bliss, warmer than the sun itself.
I'll remember chasing your feet every summer noon, and sinking into your arms while we lay in the green meadow by the little hill. All out of breath.
I'll carry the memories of the golden sun, the soft embrace of your hands and the voice I call heaven.
And when I go, I'll have known that I was your good boy every moment of my life. 
Till the very end.

~Klaus W.S


  1. this is so well written! love the bittersweet feeling encapsulated in every sentence

  2. Rest in peace Cheems


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