This Blogsite can be navigated with ease with the help of Labels. Simply click on the three lines on the top right corner and open the 'Labels' dropdown menu. It looks like this-

Labels are used to find desired posts on specific topics.
The Poetry and Prose Labels are linked to works of literature by me, or reviews of literature by others.
"Informative" Label are topics I share about which I found fascinating to read/listen about.
I also find it useful to organise some of my philosophical arguments / existential crisis' or shower thoughts (if you will) by grading them.
- Scale 1 - Pretty much rambles.
- Scale 2 - Everyday thoughts that are not necessarily abstract. 'Shower thoughts', if you will.
- Scale 3 - Is when they get a bit more serious and are something to ponder about.
- Scale 4 - Is when the ideas are so unique and awe inspiring that I find myself obsessing about it for long durations of time with no conducive end. (Rare)

There is no real difference between each scale but as the Introduction page says,
this organising is mostly for me ;)
(But you will find more posts with labels only on the scale of 1 and 2 as I am dimwitted :)
Have fun reading!